Thursday, July 16, 2009

Whose the Daddy of 'Em all?

PUBLIUS#19 - Today is Cheyenne Frontier Days Eve. There is no white-bearded Madison Avenue creation waiting to deliver goodies and gifts (well, there is a guy who looks a lot like the nameless marketing character, but not the same guy, and certainly not the same gifts - someone thinking Coors Light, too?), but there is a whole lot going on that could never fit under a Christmas Tree, even the one in Times Square.

Where to begin, where to begin?

CFD dominates a lot of my time, and my WBC marketing teammates time, but I love it.

We are charged with working with the media during the big show, and I love the pace of the work. We are orchestrating interviews and getting people to places, putting names to faces, and even ordering a few parking spaces. (Here's looking at you Teddy Geisel).

It's a lot like juggling your mom's favorite vase, her bifocals and her patience: it's applauded when you keep it airbound, and it's damned when all three drop into one ugly pile of lenses, crystal and tears.

Being aware of everything would be a helpful skill with this assignment, but that would just be vanilla. CFD is fueled with good times, good people and cheap beer. Hard work is definately in the equation as well, but volunteers by nature seem to be hardchargers. Why else would you do something for free if it wasn't fun and done in the company of fun people.

I wish i could see everything, at least for this week. I have a tea pot my adorbale preance won in a raffle, and it looks a lot like a Genie's bottle, so i make give that a rub for this particular wish.

If it doesn't pan out, i'll continue juggling, and at the end of the day, I'm just fine with that.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

PUBLIUS#18-Pumping Blood and Sucking Air...

CHEYENNE-My girlfriend has been sick the past few days and I think I've taken over where she left off. She is on the mend and I'm on the fall. My chest feels like it will explode if I cough one more time and my head feels like a medicine ball.

I think it's a combination of being run down from vacation and not sleeping enough due to the coughing all night long.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

PUBLIUS#17-Motivation, Lost

CHEYENNE-I'm trying to locate the elusive motivation that lives somewhere inside me. I have a lot of tasks to handle before leaving to Las Vegas in 36 hours. I have things to do at home and things to do at work. I finally wrapped up my first video project and I'm indifferent to the result.
It's mediocre, but I'm so pressed for time that I have to put it to bed.
Throughout the process I learned a lot, though.
I learned what I need to do to shoot better video on location, and I need to figure out a more balanced method for handling audio. I ran into a few volume issues that I didn't understand, but I was able to make it a little better in post production.

I hope the quality is OK for a first effort. Considering I have only been at for a couple months, I don't think it's horrible, but I always want to make my projects tighter, crisper and better.

I'm sure my skill level will improve because I always work hard at learning new things. I do not have the luxory of resting on my laurels...I have to get better at everything I do, but that keeps it interesting and I can live with that.

I was motivated enough to post this, so I better keep the little momentum I currently have going for the rest of my chores.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

PUBLIUS#16-Getting Blogged Down...

CHEYENNE/DOWNTOWN/UPSTAIRS/MY LITTLE CORNER OF THE WORLD-I found some very cool Web sites and new blogs today.

If I can say one thing I truly appreciate about new media, it's the massive amount of information, from likely and unlikely sources, available in three or less clicks.

Since the Rocky Mountain News put its last paper to bed last week, it's reporters, copy editors, new media journalists and what seems like everyone else who had paycheck signed by E.W. Scripps Co., is anything but tired.

These idle reporters keep reporting, and keep meeting deadlines, and keep readers interested.

I Want My Rocky ( is one of the coolest Web sites I've come across lately because it is one of true purpose. It was created a little before the RMN closed its doors and shut off its presses in order to save the paper.

It has morphed into RMN's second life, online.

It is designed great and offers links to so many blogs from so many people - mostly former RMN writers - that it is now one of my top Web sites to browse.

I like to see people create prosperity from defeat, and I like to see one newspaper's staff stand sturdy against the winds of change.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

PUBLIUS#15-Busy is Good.

CHEYENNE-So good, in fact, I can't finish...this...


Sunday, March 1, 2009

PUBLIUS#14-Cars Going in Circles

CHEYENNE-We went to Old Chicago yesterday to watch the Wyoming V. Air Force game. It was a good game for UW. Brandon Ewing is a great gaurd.

Marge and I got there early and started our own "Beer Tour." I have "Hall of Foam" aspirations.

Her sister Michelle and my friend Steve showed up at hanf time and we played some trivia and ate some pizza. All in all it was a good time.

I like the mix of people at a bar on a Saturday afternoon. I think Toby Keith wrote a song about it.

My favorite niche group is the Nascar fans, the people who vote republican and drink domestic. I can appreciate that, but I don't get the excitement of watching cars go in circles. I am OK with the fandom, and I'm OK with the sport, but I'm confused about the start-to-finish rebel-rousing and cheering for a car on Lap 7 that's main goal is to hold position to the last few laps.

There was this woman cheering every lap like her next beer was in the passenger seat and the faster the driver went the quicker she could get her next PBR.

She was the worst out of a table of eight or so, and the rest weren't so tame.
