Thursday, February 26, 2009

PUBLIUS#12-Morning Routine

CHEYENNE-My morning's start out pretty similar: too abrubt.
I'm going to get ready and head to Laramie for an interview with a gentleman who is very elusive. I really need him on tape, so I'm very pleased today is the day.

I'm excited to get into the real nuts and bolts of putting my video together, finally. He's the last source for my release, too.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

PUBLIUS#11-Mid-Morning Strangers

CHEYENNE-Coming back from an errand this morning I witnessed the hijinks of three obviously misguided kids. I appreciate random comedy from unlikely sources, but being a moron is being a moron, in private or public. I guess being a teenager is basically holding a passport to stupidity, and I had my passport stamped with every foriegn misadventure possible, but I don't think I ever delayed traffic at a stoplight by crawling across the street. Yeah, three kids were dragging knuckles at the corner of Lincolnway and Carey no more than 10 minutes ago. They looked at me for a reaction. I took another drink of coffee.
I think I dissapointed them.


Monday, February 23, 2009

PUBLIUS#10-"Flash'n" Double Digits

CHEYENNE-First, welcome to my 10th post. It's been a fun nine posts, but I'm happy to now belong to the Bloggers 10/10 Club: 10 posts and 10 of something else.? (10 mind-numbing glimpses into my world, maybe?) I need to work on that, but I like the idea, so I will fill in the blanks later.

On another and more pressing note, I'm seeing some real progress into my adventures into extended multimedia, e.g., video (Premiere) and animation (Flash).

I've been suffering severe technology overload lately, and it's not letting up. But, I'm glad to report, wins are coming at a reasonable pace. I've figured out basic video editing, including transitions, including titles, and frame-speed manipulation, so I'm where I need to be right now. I can accomplish what I need to accomplish. I would be fibbing if I said I could compete for a cinematography award, unless it was against those in my video night class. I'd have a real shot there.

I'm also happy about my progress in Flash. My advice is to never try learning new technology on a Friday. I was having a horrible time with the program at the end of last week, and it was frustrating. Today it all came together. Friday's are for thinking about Saturdays, just as Sunday's are for dreading Mondays. It's a push-pull sorta dynamic.

End of Encryption.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

PUBLIUS#9-Bukowski would love this stuff!

CHEYENNE-Dispatch must be short. I'm very hungry.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

PUBLIUS#8-Chatter for everyone

DENVER-So I'm filing from the a Twitter Beef "O" Brady's...I'm excited and hungry.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

PUBLIUS#7-Green or Red?

CHEYENNE-Last night I stood in line for a bowl of chili.

Friday, February 6, 2009

PUBLIUS#6-Stop Bath

CHEYENNE-This thing is a shotgun now, scattering ideas about any topic all over the place. I'll see a pattern develop and then I;ll know what my goal is with this thing.


PUBLIUS#5-Cutting Room Floor

CHEYENNE-I'm now cutting my teeth on video work. Every time I try something new closely related to media, design, photography and art, I find myself liking each medium more than the last. Writing is the lowest common denominator of communication, and it requires the most skill. Because of the challenge good writing demands, it is by far the most satisfying. Design work is much more fun, and because of that it feels like cheating. Gold standards have never been set through enjoyable exercises, right? It's the tough jobs that yield the most respect.
Video, like each progressive step deeper into developing skills of wide appeal, is design work in motion. It's a print ad, or a brochure, or a poster, with legs. And, like static advertising and design, it's a blast. I love learning new things, and as I listen and watch and absorb the obvious direction my field is moving, it's absolutely critical I learn these things to stay competitive.
The most beautiful part of it all is it's prospect of independence. It's a skill set - writing, web, design, photography and video - that if one becomes good enough in, can be completely self-sustaining, and possibly quite lucrative. It's not like being an accountant where freelancing season is targeted to slackers a few months before April 15. I can always have work, even when I have no clients.

A hired geek is never unemployed, just broke.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Publius#4-Blog, then twitter, then twhirl???!!!

CHEYENNE-So, I have no idea what I'm doing, why, or why it is important, but I'm doing it, and still don't know why. That's what waiting for Adobe tech. support will do to someone.


Publius#3-External DVD drive was the answer!

CHEYENNE-Who knew my DVD player wasn't really a DVD player? I need more material for this thing.


Publius#2 - Wish Adobe's tech service was as fast as Photoshop!

CHEYENNE-So, I've been on hold for 45 minutes with the tech. asst. call center and I've circled the elevator music playlist three times.

I'm making up words to the tune now. I'm not doing that anymore.
