CHEYENNE/DOWNTOWN/UPSTAIRS/MY LITTLE CORNER OF THE WORLD-I found some very cool Web sites and new blogs today.
If I can say one thing I truly appreciate about new media, it's the massive amount of information, from likely and unlikely sources, available in three or less clicks.
Since the Rocky Mountain News put its last paper to bed last week, it's reporters, copy editors, new media journalists and what seems like everyone else who had paycheck signed by E.W. Scripps Co., is anything but tired.
These idle reporters keep reporting, and keep meeting deadlines, and keep readers interested.
I Want My Rocky ( is one of the coolest Web sites I've come across lately because it is one of true purpose. It was created a little before the RMN closed its doors and shut off its presses in order to save the paper.
It has morphed into RMN's second life, online.
It is designed great and offers links to so many blogs from so many people - mostly former RMN writers - that it is now one of my top Web sites to browse.
I like to see people create prosperity from defeat, and I like to see one newspaper's staff stand sturdy against the winds of change.